Portville Football
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Olean Times Herald Article on the Ralph Game






Portville 12 vs. Falconer 26
Thursday, Nov. 4   7:30 pm
Ralph Wilson Stadium, Orchard Park
$5 Tickets at PCS or Tops          $7 Gate (opens at 4:30 pm)
Interview with Big Jim Hawbaker, PANTHER NATION SUPER FAN
pcs1979.com:  Thanks for taking the time off from bow season to speak with us, Big Jim.
Big Jim:  You betcha, son.  There's only one thing better than huntin' deer, and that's watchin' and talkin' Portville Football.
79:  What do think about the upcoming championship game against #1 Falconer?
Big Jim:  I'm proud of what these boys have done so far, and I know they have it in 'em to go further, dagnabit.  But their goin' up against a strong and classy squad who beat the poop outta them in week four.  One of my biggest worries is that their heads and bodies may think it's still the Cleve Hill game, and they won't hit and tackle hard enough.  But I believe these boys learned their lesson after the first Falconer game.
79:  What do you think of Portville's chances of upsetting the Golden Falcons?
Big Jim:  I like 'em.  And I say that because Coach Swetland has dudes like Shane Hood, that Getty kid...Jeremy Taylor and the rest...pushin' the first team to be better in practice.  People think football's all about gameday, but it ain't...it's 90% practice and Portville's second-teamers make it happen day in and day out.  They help Nitsche and company become what they are - a fine team that should and can win some more ball games.
79:  Any other observations that only Big Jim could make?
Big Jim:  Well, I'll mention some other boys who've stepped up when called upon - Matt Blue on special teams, Burlingame at corner, and frosh Jeremy Reynolds, who comes from a long line of bricklayers.  And I say that in a positive sense.  And Kirk Austin.  That young man has shown me alot this year.
79:  Yes, Austin has definitely helped fill the shoes of Scotty Forrest, who's now playing for Alfred.
Big Jim:  Yessiree.  I really hope he crosses the endzone at Rich, er the Ralph.  I can't seem to get outta the habit of calling it Rich.  Could you imagine that?  Scoring a TD in the steps of OJ Simpson, Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, Cookie Gilchrist, or even Barry Sanders, who I saw there in '91.  Yeehaa!
79:  Didn't Walter Payton score one in Buffalo back in the 80s?
Big Jim:  I watched that one from the ER at ECMC.  I think so.  But whatever.  These Portville lads have are lookin' at a 12-point ready to be bagged from 30 feet...bow...on a crisp November mornin' up in the Basin.  If they win, life will be good.  Very good.  And I'm glad that Nick Prozeller, Jared Warner, and Kris Young are contributing and gettin' a taste of this zone.
79:  What are Portville's keys to winning on Thursday night?
Big Jim:  Like I always say, the TEAM must execute what they know to be effective against this particular Falconer squad, which has a different QB this time 'round.  A lefty.  And doggonit, they gotta attack, block hard, wrap up better in tacklin', and become TERMINATORS before they get terminated. 
I also expect dudes like Ross Degolier to take 'er to the next level.  I know this kid can do it, cuz I've seen'm do it before.  I wanna see Stephen, Steen, and Sprague go all get-out.
The Panther have got to stop Erickson, Jones, and Lodestro.  And the bring the full package.  I know the coaches will.
Of course, the big studs like Miller, Caya, Hill, and the other trench workers must perform big time.
And that's all I have to say...I gotta help Mother Hawbaker cook up some chow for these hungry bow hunters.
79:  Thanks again for your comments and time, Big Jim.  See you at the Ralph.