Portville Football 2003
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Caledonia-Mumford (11-0)   12
Portville (9-2)  7
12 noon   Sunday, Nov. 16   2003
@ Fauver Stadium   University of Rochester
Far West Class C Championship
In a terrific football game that pitted the top Class C schools from Sections V and VI of New York State, the Red Raiders of Caledonia-Mumford shot down the Portville Panthers 12-7.
The scoring began early.  After stuffing the Raiders' potent offense on their first set of downs, PCS (9-2) marched down the field for a 28-yard TD slant pass from junior QB Brian Nitsche to senior Scott Forrest.  It was the 8th TD hook-up for the tandem this season.  Chris Payne's school-record 18th extra point kick of the year put the Panthers up 7-0, the first time that Cal-Mum (11-0) has been behind all season.
Portville gave everything they had, keeping the huge Raider team in check, until monster fullback Nate Rogers scored on a 9-yard TD reception from Paul Keeley with 5 minutes to go before half-time.  Portville intercepted the 2-point conversion pass, hanging on to a 7-6 advantage.
The Panthers responded with another march toward the end zone, as Coach Swetland and his staff mixed up the play-calling.  Unfortunately, an athletic run by Nitsche resulted in a lost fumble on the Cal-Mum 10.  Just before that, Portville was about to attempt a field goal, but the Raiders were flagged for having too many players on the field, giving PCS a first down.
Excitement was high among the 2,500 fans as the second half begun, and the two teams slugged away during a scoreless third quarter.  At the end of the third, Portville stopped Cal-Mum at the PCS 20-yard line, inches from a first down.  The Panther defense was stellar, holding the opposition to 212 total yards.  Portville's O had 225 yards for the contest.
Two plays later, the Panthers suffered another fumble, and the Raiders recovered, opening up the door for their offense to score on a 3-yard run by junior Jeremy Darron.  The 2-point attempt was unsuccessful, and the Section V boys went up 12-7 with 9 minutes to go in the game.
Again, Portville fought hard and trekked down to the Raider 10, keeping everyone on the edge of their seat or standing in awe.  Super sophomore Joe Holcomb led the Panther running attack with 19 carries and 60 yards, but sustained a leg injury at this stage and had to leave the game.
On third and goal, Nitsche passed toward pay dirt, but was hit on the arm and Bob Toland intercepted, returning the pick-off 40 yards.  Cal-Mum ran for two more first downs to run out the clock and end a great Portville season, one of the best ever.
"I was proud of the way these kids played all around," remarked Swetland after the game.  "Because we are so well balanced on offense, we're obligated to take risks, so I'm not upset at the turnovers.  These kids played lights out and validated our season and program with their effort.  They hung with the top team in the state.  Cal-Mum is a great team, and they should roll through the championship series."
Holcomb was named the offensive MVP, capping off a season in which he carried the pigskin 223 times for 943 yards.  Forrest ended his career with 65 catches and 1,150 yards, tops during the Swetland era.  Scott had 38 receptions for 738 yards this year.  Nitsche had a wonderful campaign, throwing the ball 185 times for 92 receptions, 1400 yards, and 14 touchdowns.
The Portville defense excelled in this game, led by Kyle Witherell, Brandon Emley, Matt Derx, Alex Green, Ross Degolier, Matt Miller, Jarrod Zelko, and Eric Caya.
On offense, Brad Holcomb had a nice catch for a drive-sustainer, while Alex Woodhead gained important yards rushing for the injured Holcomb.  The line stepped up big time to contain the Cal-Mum D machine.
The Red Raider's Toland was named the defensive MVP of a ferocious squad that was also anchored by the play of Nate Rogers and company.  Both teams can be proud of the way they played, and Portville can be happy that it has elevated their program to this level.
Props to the Western winners, to the awesome Panther players who fought hard all year, to Swets and his faithful assistants, to the parents, and to the communities involved.  And much thanks to Uncle Jack Holcomb who rented the Coach bus for the team trip to Rochester.  It was a fantastic run for the varsity team...and a championship game that filled everyone with a good feeling about football.

The Portville Football Club

Click photo to see more action from the game

Click here for Cal-Mum 2003 season and awesome photos of Portville by Bob Blair


Cal-Mumford Red Raiders
Head Coach Mike Monacelli (15th year)
#10 Jamie Fitch HB-CB
#11 Paul Keeley QB-S
#34 Kyle Mynter TB-S
#77 Ryan Sherman OT-DE
21 LeRoy 0
58 Letchworth 0
20 York 0
52 Wellsville 6
20 Avon 0
50 Perry 12
20 Hornell 0
48 Perry 0
42 Avon 0
46 Pembroke 7
Cal-Mumford     120     86     61     110          377
Opponents         6        6       0        13            25

The Caledonia-Mumford Red Raiders are 10-0 for the season and have a rich football tradition that reaches back to 1925.  They won 3 straight state championships from 1993-95, the most in NYS history. 
In 1993, they defeated Salamanca 27-0 in the Far West C game, on their way to the ultimate prize.  In 94 and 95, they beat Pine Valley both years in the Far West Class D match-ups. 
In 1997, they beat Gowanda 30-8, but lost in the semi-finals of the state playoffs.  In 2000, they defeated Cleve Hill 14-6, but again lost in the semi-finals.  In 2002, they were knocked out by LeRoy 14-8, but still had 5 shut-outs.
This year, they have crushed the opposition, outscoring them 337 to 25 points.  Two of the TDs scored against them have come at the end of games that were blow-outs.  In week 7, they beat Hornell, which was the #3 Class B team in the state.  They have recorded 7 shut-outs in 2003.
The Red Raiders have two 1,000-yard rushers this season - #10 Sr. Jamie Fitch and #32 Jr.  Jeremy Darron.  The offense regularly gains 300-500 total yards per game, while their defense often holds their opponents to less than 100 total yards per game.
The offensive line is anchored by #62 C Rick Riggi, #72 G Chris Paladino, and #77 T Ryan Sherman.  The line averages 260 lbs.  Even though Cal-Mum is prone to penalties and turnovers, they have a huge advantage in the takeaway department.
Sr. QB #11 Paul Keeley was injured in their last game, but the team did not miss a beat with the back-up signal caller.  Riggi and Paladino were also hurt for that game.
It's no secret that Portville will have to be successful at running the ball and stopping the run - the most basic of football priorities.  The Panthers cannot turn the ball over and must minimize the penalties and stupid mistakes...problems that have plagued them all season.
Cal-Mum has also scored 120 points in the first quarter - a sign of the starting team's superiority, so PCS cannot afford to begin slow on offense or defense.  Portville probably has a better aerial attack, but running the ball well controls the clock and beats down the opponent.
The Red Raiders are not a bunch of pretty city boys.  They come from rolling farmlands and expect to win the Section every year.  Their intense, rich football program is much like the one in Salamanca.
This year, Portville is playing at a level that can beat the Salamancas and Cal-Mums.  The Panthers are balanced and potent on offense, possess a huge, talented line, and sport a great defense.  PCS players are athletic, conditioned, confident, and intense.  The coaching staff is in THE ZONE, and they prepare players like no other.
Portville cannot think of themselves as underdogs...or the little guy.  They need to throw out the history book and current records - it's all about this one game.  This year's team possesses the talent, attitude, and system that can get it done in Rochester.  They can hit, block, run, and tackle harder than anyone in the state.  They have one of the best passing games in the state as well.
The odds may "seem" stacked against the Panthers - who have to play on the Red Raider's home turf.  Portville has nothing to lose in this game, while Cal-Mum has everything to lose.  It is a perfect time for the Panthers to step up and show people what this town is all about.
"In order for a team to win one football game, it requires that
every player and coach give 110% of their mind, body, and spirit to
every single play...every single move.
Each player on every play must command their body to
carry out each and every task that the coach has devised for that play.
Each man must give all of his heart, mind, and body to
every second of the game being played...there is no alternative. 
Everything must be sacrificed...total commitment to every play...
total commitment to the TEAM as a whole.
Each and every single man must seek to successfully perform every task assigned to him...Committed To Every Play...this is step one of winning a football game."
Bob Connell (paraphrased)

The Buffalo News Football Report

Click here to order a copy of the NEW 2003 History of Portville Football book!


20  Maple Grove  0
32  Akron  29
25  Cleveland Hill  14
33 Salamanca 14
27 Falconer 20
15 Gowanda 0
Sec VI Championship Game Pix:
Old School - Big 30 All-Star Games 1974-79

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