2013 Hall of Fame Nominees 1948-2010:
Ike Harrison 1947 Bill Crainer
1948 Dave Mosher 1955 Lynn
Wallace 1957 Dave Perry 1963
Jerry Scutt 1970 Paul Dorman 1972 Keith McDivitt 1974 Jeff Nix 1976
Jon Gardner 1985 Todd
Robertson 1989
Brian Decker 1992 Sean King 1993 Jon Andrianoff 1999
Bill Torrey 2000
Jeff McMahon 2001 Adam Sullivan 2009
Coach Dennis Dorman Coach Ray DeLand Coach Ron McMahon Coach Marv Smith
This is a preliminary web page dedicated to the formation of an official
Portville Basketball Hall of Fame. Step 1 is to establish an adequate database for the history of PCS Basketball, Boys
and Girls, and then form a committee of experts to start and maintain the HOF.
Hall of Fame Criteria:
PCS Player/Coach 5 years out Legend
Leader Team Defense
Offense Other