Portville Football Club
Panther Nation
Who we are
What we do
Club History
Football Alumni
1965 Football
Senior Awards
Join the Club
2005 Members
Hall of Fame
Football Links
Support Legacy
2005 Moke Jaekle Golf Classic

The Club is an accredited organization that accepts donations at any time.  We are currently raising money for the annual banquet in January, 2004.  The total cost will be $1,500 for the Westons Mills fire Hall rental, catered dinner for players, families, guests, and Club members, 17 plaques for 13 seniors, beverages, snacks, and decorations.
email Jim Reynolds   jimmy@pcs1979.com
Send any monies to:
Portville Football Club
P.O. Box 225
Portville, NY 14770
We would like to raise funds for an annual budget of a few thousand dollars for the special needs of the High School and Youth Football Programs.
We believe that it will happen because of people like you.

Club History: Check out the stories and pictures
A list of the annual Senior Awards 1986-2003
Meetings and Current News Here
Sign the Guestbook

Go Panthers